The Lies, The Lies
Don't Let the Term "Kid-Broke" Mean "Broke-Kid."
These are reoccurring themes from our experiences with horse traders. Many horses do actually fit these descriptions, but horse traders know what to say to sell horses, truthful or not. Question, verify, and get it in writing before you buy.
- We've used this horse to carry the flag in rodeos
- This horse was used for lessons or camp
- This horse was used in a therapeutic riding school program
- You can ride this horse in from the pasture with just a rope around his neck
- I'll take him back within two weeks if you're not completely satisfied*
- This horse is as broke as the horse at Wal-Mart
- Someone else wants to write me a check today for this horse
- This horse is "monkey broke" **
- I'll only sell this horse to a good home
- This is the horse we use for beginner riders
- I hate it when people buy horses at sales and try to pass them off as kid safe
- This is really my wife/husband's favorite horse but we'd let it go to a good home.
* Get it in writing!
** What's monkey broke, you ask? "This horse is so broke that even a monkey could ride it." Ha ha, the HTT bunch loves this!

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