HTT Loves Craigslist Because:
- It is free
- It is local
- It is easy to find
- It is easy to navigate
- Posting an ad is a snap
- Gazillions of people use it
Mr. Craigslist seems to have a social conscience. For example, he clearly discourages dog and cat breeders from using the site so it doesn't turn into puppy-mill-central. He allows users to flag ads that don't follow the guidelines.
The Farm and Garden section has horses for sale. We look at the horse ads every day and several of us at HTT have purchased really great horses through CL.
Unfortunately, dishonest traders love the site for all the same reasons we do. We suspect that the very demographic we would like to reach with this website are people who read the horse ads on CL before any other Internet horse-selling site. If you have a look at the "Reader Comment" page on HTT, you'll see that CL is mentioned in many of the posts. We even have a trader horror story called "Craigslist War."
Here's what HTT would like to ask of CL:
Dear Administrators of Craigslist,
Please post this site at the top of your "Farm and Garden" page nationwide. Please help us keep this wonderful venue safe for horse shoppers.
Too many first-time or novice horse buyers are being scammed by dishonest traders.
Horsetradertricks was designed to educate people and help them recognize common trader tricks. No specific names are mentioned; it's just general advice.
Horses can be dangerous and they can kill.
So, HTT readers. If any of you have a brother-in-law who works at the Craigslist office in CA, please use your influence to get HTT on CL. Or at least find out if one of the CL staff is horsie and might be willing to read this. You never know.

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